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2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan

In January 2023, the HHCC Board of Directors embarked on a comprehensive Strategic Planning process to outline a robust framework for guiding the Chamber's actions and priorities. Central to this process were the following key priorities:

  • Navigating Post-Pandemic Challenges: The HHCC aimed to formulate strategic priorities and actions to effectively serve the business community as it navigates the challenges of emerging from the pandemic.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Seeking input from members and stakeholders was pivotal in gaining a clear understanding of their expectations and aspirations for the Chamber.
  • Bridging Aspirations: The Chamber sought to bridge the gap between its current state and its aspirational vision, making strategic choices and crafting action plans to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Creating Enthusiasm and Focus: The plan aimed to instill enthusiasm and focus among staff, volunteers, members, and the broader community, fostering collective commitment.
  • Vision and Mission Alignment: Reviewing and refining the existing Vision, Mission, and Values ensured alignment with the evolving needs of the local business community.

Click here to view our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan and learn about how our goals and plans to help support and engage our business community.