eNewsletter and eBlast Communications
Email and Newsletter Opportunities
If you are interested in any of the following advertisement types or if you require more information, please contact us at communications@haltonhillschamber.on.ca with your preferred ad or inquiry.
• $100+ HST per issue for a 1080 pixel x 1080 pixel ad, or 3 (same ad, presented in 3 different issues) for $265 + HST (member-only pricing).
*Need help creating your ad? Graphic design services are available for an additional fee, please inquire
This ad can contain a clickable link to your company website, email or PDF files.
We have a network of 1100+ eNewsletter subscribers.
If you are purchasing multiple ad placements, ads must all be published within a 6-month time period.
What we need from you:
• 1080 pixel width x 1080 pixel height (Square).
• Copy that would be describing what you're advertising - 50 words.
• A link where our subscribers can learn more about your business/event.
Ad placement within the eNewsletter and ad content will be up to the discretion of the Chamber. Invoice payment must be received in full prior to ads being scheduled.
Designated Member2Member Communication Email
Pricing: $350 + HST ($199 for not-for-profits)/single Member2Member communication email.
Details: Does your business have an upcoming event, sale or idea to promote? Incorporate a designated e-blast into your marketing strategy. We will send out an email, designed by you, to our database of over 1100+ unique email addresses of local business professionals.
Best Practices:
· Please provide any text being included with your message in a word document.
· Any hyperlinks you would like to add to your message.
· High quality photos or graphics to accompany your message.
· A day and time you would like your Member2Member email to be sent.